Jumat, 31 Juli 2009


I admired her so much,
Because she's very nice and calm,
And everyone loves her,
Because of that,
I envy her so much,
And start thinking,
"Why I can't be as good as her?"

She's beautiful, nice, popular,
Creative, smart, athletic,
I always seeing her from her back,
Always thinking of her, why is she could do all of that easily?
Even I'm already trying so hard, I can't even do all of that,
And if that's the case,
Did all of my efforts were just in vain?
Did all of my best to catch her up isn't good enough?

Those question keep bugging me until now,
What does she do until she could be like that?
And more question with What, Why and How,
It's neverending, and just keep bugging me,
But one thing I know,
I'm so jealous of her

Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

The Road to Another Day...

One evening,
I walked around the road,
It is a very big road,
And that road was totally clear and shining,
Sparkling the light of the sunset.

One night,
I walked to the park,
Hoped to enjoy the fresh, night air,
The road along the way was very bright,
Not because of the lamp,
But because the moon and the star shining onto it.

One Morning,
I wake up from my sleep,
Then I went to my terrace,
Enjoyed my cup of tea,
And felt the morning wind,

I remembered what my dream at the last night,
I saw you, sitting in a lake bench,
When the moon reflect its light into the lake,
It's the best view I've ever seen,
And I'll say my three words to you when I see you again,
That is "I Love You"

Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

A dream in the morning

Once I was dreaming,
Dreamed that I'm standing in a top of the hill,
Around me, there's so many flowers,
And butterflies flying around my head and my whole body,
I'm playing with the butterflies at the hill until I was awaken from the dream.
What a beautiful dream it was.

When I woke up at that time,
I was thinking,
Will my life go on as beautiful as the dream that I was seen?
Because many things happened to me,
And it feels like I'm being loaded by a heavy stone.

Then, I'm going out,
Enjoying the morning air,
And after I took some walk and feels the morning air,
I thought all of my problem can be solved,
So I can enjoyed the rest of my days happily,
And I don't have to worry about anything everyday!

At 6 o'clock...

At 6 o'clock,
I see the sky is begin to dark,
The sunlight slowly fade away from the blue sky.
And not long after,
The moon appears,
While the star around the moon shining very brightly.

At 6 o'clock,
I see many birds flying around the top of the houses,
Looks like they're coming back to their nest,
To protect their children from a dangerous night creatures.
And that time I thought this thing,
The first thing that comes to my mind is,
Where did they got such instinct for loving its family?

At 6 o'clock,
I sit on my balcony,
Dreaming about you and me,
Being together forever.
But now, you're not here anymore,
Now we can't see the star,
Or the birds flying anymore.
What should I do without you?
Because it feels like a nightmare when I'm alone...

Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Night of Dreams

When I was a little,
I always love to saw the stars,
And the moon, especially when it's full moon time.
That was a beautiful view I enjoyed every night,
And once I asked my daddy,
"Will I see this beautiful sky when I'm already an adult?"
And he answered me,
"Of course, my dear, because the stars and the moon will never disappear, and it'll always giving you a happiness that will change your life too."
And thinking about that,
I felt happy that time.

And today,
I'm sitting on the park,
I was once remembered what my daddy told when I was a little,
Wondering if what that my daddy said was true or not,
Well, I thought that because,
I was already once forgot about it.

And not long after,
I see a falling star,
And it gives me a little trust,
To what my daddy said when I was a little
Maybe it's true...

On my way home...

On my way home,
I met an old man,
He was sat on a bench in a park,
When I was sat beside him, he said to me,
"Face every problem with a true and gentle smile,"
And I asked to him, "Why do I must to face it with a smile?"
He answered me with a smile,
"Because if you face it with anger, you'll felt that the problem has not finished"

On my way home,
I met a little girl,
And she was crying,
I asked to her, "Why are you crying?"
And she answered to me, "Because I can't got a perfect mark on a test today,"
I was thought about what the old man said to me before,
So I say, "Face every problem with a true and gentle smile,"
And the little girl asked me, "Why do I must face it with a smile?"
So I answered her with a smile,
"Because if you just crying over, the next test will never get any better."
And that little girl erased her tears and smiling over me, said "Thank You"

On my way home,
I was thinking about the old man said to me,
Is it really easy as he said,
To facing the problem with a smile?
But now, I've got the answer,
When I met that little girl,
I thought I already got the answer,
And what that old man said to me,
Maybe I'll never forget it on the rest of my life...

Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

Lost Heaven

We were once separated,
Like Romeo and Juliet,
That time it feels like the Heaven's gone,
Sadly in front of my eyes

It was so hurt when you're gone,
Deep inside my heart like the hard rain falling upon my face,
Although I believe we can meet again someday,
Will you believing on me?

Selasa, 07 Juli 2009


Hello for everyone there. I created this blog for the replacement of my last blog of since my account there can't be opened, I decided to made another blog that will used as the continuation of the last blog at

Maybe I'll upload some shots of pictures that I took when I was in holiday or something.

Okay then, enjoyed all the stuff in here!